Learn more about Cedric Hayden


Family: Married to wife Julie, dad of five great kids

Occupational Background: Dentist; wildland firefighter and heavy-equipment construction operator; State Representative serving from 2015-2022

Occupational Background: Dentist; small business owner; rancher

Legislative Committees: Vice-Chair: House Healthcare Committee; Vice-Chair: House Committee on COVID-19; Ways & Means Subcommittee on Human Services; Ways & Means Subcommittee on General Government; Joint Task Force on Access to Quality Affordable Healthcare.

Prior Governmental Experience: Medical/Dental contractor - Oregon Department of Human Services


I want to thank you for taking the time to let me share a little bit about myself.

Some of you may know already me as your dentist, or the guy with the cows next door.  Or maybe I worked on the Klondike Fire or Mendicino Complex fire.

Well, I am a dentist by training, but I’ve recently limited my practice to hospital-based dental care.  This has left me more time to spend lately with my ranch and small business. Beyond ranching, I also operate a heavy equipment company that I started in 2009.